The Best Practice Birmingham conference programme is 100% dedicated to the issues currently being faced within general practice and primary care across the country.
The programme is tailored to meet the CPD requirements of healthcare professionals with clinical content closely following the GP curriculum spearheaded by the Royal College of General Practitioners and your attendance can earn you up to 12 CPD points.
The conference theme for 2024 was ACCESS.
How can GP surgeries improve access? Al evidence shows that if you get primary care - the first point of contact - right, you save money and achieve better clinical outcomes. As a country, we're not spending enough on prevention / primary care. Access improvements can be framed in the following ways:
- Retaining more GPs, addressing burnout and low morale
- Using new roles in general practice so that patients receive the right treatment, from the right person, at the right time
- Digital transformation
- Working at scale - GP Federations can be a driving force in enhancing shared services, saving money, and improving overall efficiencies