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01 Aug 2024

Engage Arrive - Patient check-in

Engage Health Hall: 4 Stand: E116

Engage Arrive offers a choice of solutions; 

Engage Arrive for patient mobile devices - allowing patients to scan a QR code on a poster or check in with a practice specific URL from the website, they can even check-in from the car park with the mobile distance setting- this is free to all! 

Engage Arrive software for a screen - Patients can check-in with any language. Users can set an early/late arrival time and set up consulting staff at a specific waiting area. This can work with any screen, so if you already have a screen why not get the lastest software from Engage Health Systems. 

Add custom coded questions - Be proactive and make use of patients time whilst they are waiting for their appointment. Prompt them to complete a short questionnaire on their mobile device. Ask them questions of your choice and have this coded into the patients record - maximising QOF! 

Do you need a check-in touch screen? - Engage offer two options; 

  • A 15.6" android screen at an unbeatable price - say goodbye to expensive windows upgrades 
  • A premium Windows 11 touch  screen 

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