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2024 Programme

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GPs as system leaders

09 Oct 2024
Best Practice Keynote Theatre

This workshop describes the steps taken in the BOB ICS for creating a structure for a GP body to act as a ‘system partner’ in the ICS, alongside other partners including acute, community and mental health trusts. 

 The ICB, LMC and GP body known as GP Leadership group will share their perspective on why this was an important milestone, the challenges faced and how they were overcome and some of the achievements delivered as a  result of GP leaders being part of system working.

 The GP Leadership Group has the mandate from BOB practices to ensure that the profession is fully represented at system level to drive innovation and change for the benefit of patients.

 Come and find out how we did it!

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Richard Wood, Chief Executive Officer - Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire LMCs
Julie Dandridge, Head of Primary Care - NHS Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West ICB
Michaelle Brennan, Chair - Oxfordshire GP Leadership Group

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