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Coaching for Performance: Shaping the Future of Workforce

09 Oct 2024
PMA Theatre

Performance coaching is a powerful tool for personal and professional development, with the GROW model (Goal, Reality, Options, Will), introduced by coaching pioneer Sir John Whitmore, serving as one of the most effective frameworks for enhancing performance.


The success of any coaching approach hinges on the presence of psychological safety, which a Harvard professor named Amy Edmondson introduced, where individuals feel comfortable discussing challenges openly and exploring creative solutions, which directly enhances learning and performance.


Together, they create a powerful foundation for sustainable performance improvement shaping a resilient workforce.

  • •Coaching, the new normal in performance appraisals in organisations.
  • •The GROW model (Goal, Reality, Options, Will) as a powerful tool in performance coaching.
  • •Developing a psychological safe working environment through coaching.
  • •Shaping the future of healthcare workforce through developing and maintaining a psychological safe working environment through coaching.
  • •Creating a powerful foundation for sustainable performance improvement using evidence-based frameworks to shape the future of healthcare workforce.
Patience Thebehali, Business Managing Partner, Advanced Nurse Practitioner and Practice Manager - PMA

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